Monday, October 26, 2015

Tapestry Making Techniques (part 2 of 2)

There is also another technique called the Persian knot which is typical of tapestries found in Central  Asian, Indian and even Chinese tapestries. This technique produces more knots per square inch compared to the Turkish knot, thereby providing more detail and a more defined pattern. This is also known as the sameh or the asymmetric knot technique.

There is also a technique called the Spanish knot that employs the use of knots looped around single alternate warps. This enables the horizontal and vertical lines of the tapestry to become slightly rough and the diagonals smooth. This technique is usually employed in the production of Spanish carpets.

There is also another ancient technique called the Jufti knot in the production of older tapestries. This technique involves covering four warp threads in order to make a coarse weave. Rugs of this sort are usually found in 19th century and 20th Century Eastern Iran.

In choosing good tapestries, having some idea on the techniques involved in the making of such textile works of art would help give a collector the valuable knowledge of knowing the origins of a certain valuable tapestry. And in collecting such decorative tapestries also involves taking very good care of them, especially the more valuable and older types of textiles.

Carefully hanging these valuable artistic tapestries is also important to make sure that they are not damaged in the process. And since quite a number may have a weighty issue especially for those that are larger and thicker, special means of hanging them would be required.

Using simple nails can sometimes be inadequate for such magnificent tapestries hung on walls.

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